How to Get Out of a Creative Funk

Hi there. How are you?  

I drew this pattern in my sketchbook the other night. I must admit, I love this one! It's organic, a little bit elegant, and very much me.  I don't know how I will use this new pattern yet, but you will see it somewhere. Maybe on a card? Maybe in a coloring book? Perhaps on a textile? (Stay tuned!) 

This drawing came to be after hours of creative struggle. Read on.....

A pattern drawing from my sketchbook.


In a Funk

Before I made the drawing you see here, I was working one some drawings for a new coloring page. (I'm not going to share it with you because it was CRAP!) Everything I was drawing looked forced. I was frustrated. No good was going to come from these drawings.

Instead of sticking with it, I opened my sketchbook to an empty page and let my pen wander.

I came up with this new pattern by loosening up and letting my pen wander around the page.

Loosen Up!

This is what I drew. The shape that became the repeating element in my pattern organically emerged from this doodle. Just as I've said time and time again, the looser I am the more the work flows. All I had to do was loosen up and turn off my inner critic.  Just moving that pen along the page with little thought and absolutely no judgement was enough to get me out of my creative funk.

If you're struggling with your creative work, try this!

Seriously, just get out a piece of paper and your favorite drawing implement and let your hand wander. It's terribly therapeutic!  (If you do try this, I'd love to hear about it and see your efforts.)

My other favorite ways to get out of a funk include walking, cleaning, and organizing. Just a change of scenery, rote, mindless movement/activity is usually enough to get me in a better space. (The time I spent today removing excess mortar from the shower floor tile we are installing in our new bathroom was incredibly therapeutic!)

What do you do to get yourself out of a creative funk? Do share!

That's all for today. Ciao, and Happy Thanksgiving Week!

PS. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your pals



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