Stay a While.......please

Its finally finished. "Stay a While" measures 8" x 8" and was created on a cradled hardboard panel. I think I started this piece back in August, before school was in session, so I'm happy to have this one completed. I will be submitting this piece along with two others to the Midwestern - a show at the Rockford Art Museum. I'm hoping that one of the pieces gets juried in.

Now that things at school are slowing down, I'm trying to get back into the swing of "arting" again. Its been difficult for me to get going, and come up with some new ideas. I've decided to start small, and make some ACEO's. I made a little tree piece today and am quite happy with it. I hope to have more new work to show you soon.

Happy fall friends.

Falling Back


Coming Down From my Art High