Jello Shots

Hello friends.

Not too much to report this week. I've had little time for art, but did manage to list this new cutie. "On a Sunny Afternoon" was created last week on a particularly bright and sunny afternoon. Its now for sale in the Etsy shop for just $25.00.

I'm working on applying to several art shows for the summer. If things work out right, I will have a show lined up for May, June, August and September. I hope I can make enough inventory!

I'm sure y0u're wondering at this point why I titled this post "Jello Shots." Did I have some during my St. Paddy's day celebration? Is "Jello Shots" a title to my newest work? Nope.. My parents hosted a potluck party for their friends yesterday and the theme was St. Patrick's day. What says St. Patrick's day more than lime Jello shots make with Apple Pucker! Yes, my mother made and served Jello shots. She is a wild one!

Truth and Beauty


Spring Cleaning Sale