Intrinsic Design

Greetings and salutations friends. I hope that today finds you happy and healthy.

This is a huge (by my standards) new piece that I recently finished up.  "Intrinsic Design" measures 24 inches high and 19.5 inches wide and was created with collaged paper and a Bic pen on watercolor paper.

I made this piece for inclusion in my MFA application portfolio. An art professor friend of mine recommended that I include some large scale work in the portfolio. Since the average size of my work these days is 8"x10" I tried to really stretch myself in terms of scale with this piece.

I  also wanted to show that I have a little range, that I don't just draw chairs.  This piece grew out of my sketchbook drawings. I find that I often intuitively draw these "holey" spirals there.

Do tell me what you think of this drawing. I'd love to get some feedback.

So much more to tell. Life is in transition. I'm feeling much like this drawing looks right now.....All over the place.

More later. Ta-Ta for now.

Along the Line

