Mary's Chair

Happy Monday friends! I'm not feeling as motivated as I usually am on a Monday. Maybe it's the gray of day.

I just finished up piece #4 in my Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum commission. This chair is found upstairs in Mary's (Mrs Tinker) quarters. I used quite a bit of colored pencil in this piece to create the highlights and shadows.

I was worried that the pink of the "wallpaper" was going to clash with the orange tone of the "wood" paper, but I think those pops of yellow colored pencil help to pull it together.

To see all of the pieces I've created so for Tinker so far, check out my Flickr page. 

I'm off to the gym to work off all of the yum food we ate this weekend while my momma visited.  Ta-ta for now!

I Gotta be Me


Along the Line