Chairs beget chairs

Hey there art fans? How are you today?

A friend of mine, Tabatha Dougherty challenged herself to create a drawing a day for 100 days, and she's just one day away from finishing. What an accomplishment!

I was flattered to find out that drawing #96 (seen here) was inspired by my own chair drawings.  So cool! There's a quirky personality in each of these chair drawings that I find so appealing. They remind me of David Hockney's work (one of my personal art heros).  Well done Tabatha!

You probably won't hear much out of me for the next few days. Matt, Jack and I are getting in the car bright and early Friday morning to head up to the Chicago suburbs for a family wedding. Then we get back in the car Saturday morning and drive back to Carbondale (a six hour trip) for another wedding. A ton of driving, but hopefully for much fun.

Ta-Ta for now!


Month of the Moleskine - Day 1


Travel Inspired Art