Another iPhoto weekend

Expect to see this chair make an appearance in my work!
Hi there? How was the weekend?

We had another stellar Southern Illinois weekend. 
Beautiful weather, good food, fun times with friends and great live music. 
 Here is my weekend in pictures.

Hobo Knife at Vulture Fest in Makanda, Illinois

The door to our friend Hugh's house in Makanda. 
Hugh lives above the boardwalk in the center of downtown Makanda.
A charming little vignette in Hugh's apartment

We capped Saturday night off with a martini garnished with Mexican style picked vegetables homemade by Matt. Yum!
Have a great week friends. Ta-Ta. 

P.S. Have you read yesterday's blog post? There's a DISCOUNT CODE! Woo!


Today's new listing


New Hoop Art!