Weekly iPhoneography - New Orleans Edition!

Hi there. How are you?

I apologize for the tardiness of this post....It's been a little crazy around here. 

In the past week: 
  • We bought a house (yes!)
  • Hosted Matt's parents and son for a visit
  • I had an art fair
Very exciting stuff! The house we bought is a fixer and Matt and I plan to blog regularly about our renovations. Please stay tuned! 

Now back to our regularly scheduled post.... NEW ORLEANS! 

Matt and I took the Amtrak right from Downtown Carbondale into New Orleans. 
Though it was a long trip (14 hours!) it was quite relaxing and scenic. 


 We got a great view of Lake Pontchartrain in the last hour of the trip. 

We stayed right in the French Quarter. It feels so European there....Love it! 


We did our fair share of exquisite eating and drinking!

We also did plenty of shopping and sight seeing! 

Great trip with great friends! Can't wait to go back!

We bought a fixer - Part 1


Cyber Monday! The Sale Continues.