Love for Laumeier


Hi there. How are you? Did you miss me?

Art fair season is upon us  and I'm off to a fantastic start! Last weekend I traveled to St Louis for the  Art Fair at Laumeier - on the stunning grounds of the Laumeier Sculpture Park. Everything about this event was top notch! (Well almost everthing.....Artist parking was easily a mile away. Not fun when your husband has a broken ankle! That's a story for another day.)

I was so impressed by the quality of the artists in this show. Vendors traveled from all over the country to take part, usually a mark of a good show in my book. We met some great people, had fabulous weather, and ate some great food. And best of all, I sold a lot of art! 14 originals in fact! 
By the end of the weekend, my booth was looking quite bare, which is a good thing..... But man, do I have some work to do! With home renovation dominating my off season, I didn't get nearly as much art made as I need to sustain myself through the art fair season. I've challenged myself to make 20 new pieces between now and my next show at the end of June. It's a lofty goal, but I think I can do it! The majority of the pieces that sold at Laumeier were my smaller, lower priced works. I can whip those out quicky! 

You probably won't hear a whole lot from me on the blog over the summer. My studio time has to be spent making.  If you'd like to see what I'm up to, I do update my Facebook page regularly, so visit me there. 

Ta-ta for now!

The "June 20" are Finally Complete!


A Visitor in the Studio