Things and Stuff: A Studio Update

A new shot of me in my studio, taken by Matt (my husband.)

Hi there. How are you?

I've so much to tell you since we last chatted! First off, I've got a new job! I'm now the Teen and Youth Program Coordinator at the

Carbondale Public Library.

I program and implement weekly programs for middle school and high school students at the library. I'm just a week in, but so far so good! The students and my co-workers are great.  My schedule is fantastic.....I work Monday through Thursday afternoons and early evenings, which means I have time every morning to work in my studio!

I've still been plugging away at my

Every Other Day Sketch

project. Do follow me on


to see them as soon as I post them.

My sketchbook drawings have very much been influencing my work in the studio.

"Infinity and Beyond", 8"x8", ballpoint pen illustration.

"Looped", 8"x8", ballpoint pen illustration.

Yep. I've got a thing for yellow at the moment.

"Fruit Loops" 4"x4", ballpoint pen illustration.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these finished illustrations, do get

in touch.

Well friends, that's all for now. Stay tuned for some new bird illustrations! Ta-Ta!


Bird Alert!


The Every Other Day Sketch 2015 - Days 17-26