Surprise Gift Becomes My Fave: Parker Pen Review

Hi there. How are you?

If you’ve really been paying attention to the drawings I’ve been posting for the past 3 months, you might have noticed that I’ve been using the same pen for all of them.

The Parker Jotter has become my absolute favorite pen.

Sketchbook drawings made with a Parker Jotter ballpoint pen.

I’ve never felt the need to purchase expensive ballpoints.

Until just now, Bic ballpoints (some of the most inexpensive pens out there) were my faves and what I recommended to my e-course students.

Things changed in January, when I got an Instagram DM from Jackie at Office Depot. She asked if she could send me a “surprise” in the mail. Of course I said yes, and a few days later I got a package in the mail.

Here’s what I got:

I was smitten as soon as I pulled this handmade envelope out of the mailer.

Inside was this card and a Parker Jotter Pen!

How nice was this note? I was so flattered.

It was a fantastic surprise.

There was no expectation that I blog or post about it on social media. It was just a straight up gift! And I love it. Thank you Office Depot!

Ebb & Flow 7 , and all 10 drawings in the series were drawn with the Parker Jotter pen pictured here.

My honest review of the Parker Jotter:

(Other than receiving a free pen from Office Depot, I was not compensated for this review. It’s entirely my own opinion!)

I really don’t know why I didn’t try out a “luxury” ballpoint pen sooner. It’s the best and I’m obsessed. All of my recent Ebb & Flow drawings were made with my Parker.

The ink is totally smooth and there is absolutely none of the “throwing up” of ink that happens with every other ballpoint I’ve tried. It’s easy to achieve the lightest of lights and darks with this lovely hunk of metal. I also appreciate that it is refillable. (It always pains me to throw out a plastic pen when I’ve run it out of ink.)

My one complaint:

I wish I there were other ink colors available besides blue and black. If there were, I would never use any other pen.

Here’s a few other “Ebb & Flow” drawings for you to peruse. I don’t think I’d have achieved the delicacy of mark with a cheapo ballpoint, even my beloved Bics.

Ebb & Flow 8, 8” x 10”, acrylic ink and ballpoint on graph paper. Framed and available for purchase.

Ebb & Flow 9, 8” x 10”, acrylic ink and ballpoint on graph paper. Framed and available for purchase.

Ebb & Flow 10, SOLD!

If you’d like to learn more about the Ebb & Flow drawing series, click HERE.

If you want to pick yourself up a Parker Jotter, head to your nearest Office Depot/Office Max or other office supply store. They are well worth the price and you can use this pen for years to come! Thanks again Office Depot.

Is there a pen you’d like me to review?

Leave a comment and let me know. I am always on the hunt for new pens.

That’s all for now.

Ciao, Jen


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